We have discussed “DBKL Mandates DBP Billboard Approval” in our previous article. Currently, you might be asking yourself, “Alright, what are the billboard requirements to advertise in Malaysia? Would be difficult or complex?”. Actually, nope.
Before delving into today’s topic, allow us to provide you an overview.
Adhering to regulations is crucial for billboard advertising in Malaysia, necessitating the fulfillment of specific requirements. Initially, businesses or individuals need approval from local authorities, specifically the Outdoor Advertising Association of Malaysia (OAAM) in our case.
For a successful OOH campaign, consider submitting a proposal with details like the billboard’s location, size, and design to ensure its effectiveness. Pst… follow this Ultimate Guide To Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka (DBP) Approval For Your Outdoor Billboards.
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Advertisers must adhere to guidelines set by the (OAAM) to maintain aesthetic standards and prevent any adverse impact on the environment. It’s crucial to obtaining clearances from pertinent authorities, including the landowner and the local planning department.
Here comes the crucial part, advertisements must align with Malaysia’s cultural and social norms to avoid offensive or controversial content.
The Guiding Principles by OAAM
1. Decency

An advertisement must not contain messages that violate the principles and values commonly accepted in society. For example, discrimination, use of violence, behavior and safety, children as target market or children in advertisements are not acceptable.
2. Honesty

The advertisements should not abuse the trust of the consumer or exploit his/her lack of experience or knowledge. Second, advertisements should be truthful and not misleading. Lastly, advertisements should not contain any statement, claim, or audio which directly or by implication, and exaggeration mislead the consumer into making a purchase and in the end, the product does not offer what it claims to offer.
3. Legal

Advertisements must comply in every respect with Law, common or statute. Advertising should not spread fraudulent trade practices. They won’t accept ads that go against community standards, ethically questionable, or include inappropriate language or content not suitable for polite conversation.
4. Truth

All descriptions, claims, and comparisons which relate to matters of objectively ascertainable fact should be capable of verification. Moreover, advertisers and advertising agencies must promptly provide the Advertising Standards Authority of Malaysia with the necessary substantiation upon request.
5. Social Responsibility

All the advertisements should be prepared with a sense of responsibility to the consumer. The advertisements should not play on fear, exploit the superstitious, or contain anything which might lead or lend support to acts of violence or anti-social behavior without justifiable reason. They should not appear to condone such acts, and anything which might lead or lend support to criminal, illegal or reckless activities, nor should they appear to condone such activities.
Understanding and meeting these requirements are key steps for a successful billboard advertising campaign in Malaysia. Aside from that, approval from the Outdoor Advertising Association of Malaysia (OAAM) is needed, involving a proposal with details on location, size, and design. Advertisers must follow OAAM guidelines to meet aesthetic standards, obtain clearances from relevant authorities, and align with cultural norms. The OAAM’s guiding principles include decency, honesty, legal compliance, truthfulness, and social responsibility to ensure advertisements uphold societal values.
According to The Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Content (MCMC), businesses who failed to follow the rules and promote offensive or misleading content will face legal action such a fine not exceeding fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year or to both. Take a look at this “The Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Content Code” to know more.
Are you still confused? No worries!
Consult with our Firstboard specialists to get an exclusive and effective OOH campaign for your business!
Image Credits: Vecteezy, LinkedIn, avanade, thewellproject, ASITE