Have you ever come across an ad that’s left you speechless? Shocked? Surprised? Just what is it about those ads that’s blown you like a block, the straightforward message, the graphic visuals, perhaps the emotions that’s invoked inside of you upon stumbling on it? Truth be told, this is what explicit advertising is meant to do.
Though creative and condensed as these adverts are, one can’t help but to applause for the bold blend so as to provoke any and all passing people. Thereby, this article embarks on these explicit advertising, be warned if you wish to witness these bitter, brutal facts ahead!
Explicit Advertising In Social Awareness: Posters

This is none other than a Child Labour Psa poster.
The design is less explicit, yet the shades of black and blood express more than simple sentences. Broken out handprints from the ground up tells you the little voices left unheard, and it’ll remain silenced from the looks of it. Not one of them could reach the exit they are in a desperate and dire need of.
Perhaps the ‘Children Can’t Stop It… But You Can Stop Child Labor‘, is the message not enough said?

Identical twins maybe?
This plastic pollution poster is but a distinct display to what the sea life is tasting and turning into under the poor performances of humans. Any— if not all, species of fish that thrives in the ocean ingest plastics thanks to its resemblance together with residues to what is mistaken as their food.
It’s rather bizarre to find the simile of a living fish to that of a lifeless fraud in mother ocean.
Explicit Advertising In Social Awareness: Billboards

Needless to say, the unreserved message by this billboard campaign drops its gravity.
Billboards offered by Clear Channel Outdoor, the image was supplied by San Diego County District Attorney, Bonnie Dumanis. It is a campaign to bring in the public’s attention in the emerging cases of human trafficking along with the sexual exploitation of children.
Thanks to Clear Channel Outdoor, the donation is due for a month’s time. Together with the 9 areas these are located in, it is a high exposure to an estimated 3.5 million people since the said month. In the same vein that this is one of the crisis cases that all audience should be mindful of.
Bagvertising, Let’s Talk About It
Out of the hundred styles in outdoor advertising, this guerrilla marketing technique outstands the others in that it befalls into creative crafts, shopping bags as an example. Tantamount to all decent product designs, these ones make ample use of its spaces while still looking stylish. Beyond 80% of merchants aspire to broadcast their brands far and wide, a better technique is to let consumers do so for them instead. Free, fashionable, and functional!

Greenpeace is all for environmental consciousness and concerns, this campaign of theirs is none other a case in point.
The innovative invent presses on a particular problem, hence the green message highlighted in plain sight. Not only that, the visuals on these reusable bags conveys their campaign’s inspiring interactions. The call–to–action could tip people into taking action, there are bigger fish to free after all.

‘Plastic Bags Kill‘, a design by BBDO Malaysia, the concept of this is clever as it is cunning.
Differing from subject above, these animals are right by the handles of your shopping bags, a placement point to demonstrate as if you are choking them by hand. The message of this campaign is a rough reminder of the escalating usage in plastic bags, therefore the symbolism for all humans’ indirect participation in the death of countless creatures.
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Image Credits: Pinterest, Pinterest, Pinterest, Times Of San Diego, Borwoo, DCXW Archive,