Granted that guerilla is not a generic expression in outdoor advertising, it is nevertheless a marketing method to some of the best successful Out of Home advertising. It is also highly likely of you to have run into an advertising campaign that implements guerilla advertising approach and not equipped to recognise them. Such a marketing initiative is an umbrella of numerous outdoor advertising types that all that glitters is not gold. Henceforth, this article’s aim to have a look at guerilla advertising and the tactical techniques it employs so as to achieve a golden advertising.

Guerilla Advertising
Simply put, guerilla advertising is a potent marketing method to achieve an impactful advertising through a nonconventional as well as original promotional publicity. The idea is to captivate attention enough for your targeted audiences to be drawn in to your brand and business. By integrating guerilla advertising to market your trademark with an eye to leave a lasting impression, notably one that invites your consumers into taking actions.
Guerilla advertising looks to leveraging public spaces and structures and spots in a manner that is creative as it is clever so as to entertain whilst engage with your audiences. Besides, a plus point of guerilla advertising is the lots of varying outdoor advertising types it utilises. Playing by your book guerilla advertising is one of the most adept tools for you to master at establishing your identity.
Psst, this is not the only outdoor advertising with tactical techniques.
Pop by OOHmatters for additional advertising articles appreciations~

Types Of Techniques In Guerilla Advertising

- Street Furniture Advertising
Street furniture advertising often looks to guerilla advertising to customise and construct public structures that stand out to any and all passersby yet still able to harmonise with its surrounding landscape. The technique of street furniture advertising is through instances like rubbish bins, kiosks, bus stops and stations, and benches— all of which are always met by travellers.

- Street Art & Murals
Street art together with street murals are another inventive type of technique that guerilla advertising banks on. One must take note of headlining the message of your brand as it is the most telling manner for passersby along with pedestrians to acknowledge your trademark as well as to appreciate it.

- Ambient Advertising
Looking at the playful placement points that ambient advertising bases itself on, it is no surprise that this type is encompassed by guerilla advertising. Because of its uncommon approach to advertise, it is the perfect recipe for guerilla advertising to present itself as a surprise element to any and all audiences.

- Transit Advertising
Guerilla advertising also refers to public transportations and transits to achieve an impactful impression. This is especially perceptive since transit advertising includes a grand number of crowds on a day to day routine alone. This goes to travellers, tourists, and commuters who are the potential people that your brand should be focused on.

- Interactive Installations
Lastly, installations that are interactive as well as immersive to attract your specific audience. Guerilla advertising utilises them as a means to respond to the actions of the public. Examples are motion sensors and even staging a spectacular stunts like flash mobs. Surely, this is no traditionally static advertising and hence the best part of such diverse technique type that is both interactive and inclusive.
That’s quite a number in the technique types of guerilla advertising huh?
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Image Credits: Carbon Creative, Pinterest, Sketch Events, Cornerstone Glory, Christopher Delorenzo, Pinterest, Movia, Amplify Outdoor